Welcome back to the Real Gone Singles Bar, the place where we explore some of the individual tracks that have landed in our inbox over the last few weeks. Although this selection digs deeply to showcase recent tunes from up and coming talents, there’s one name here that should be familiar to most. We’ve also got a couple of superb singer songwriters, some classic sounding dream rock, and even a superb sounding single from a cool pop act. As always, we hope you find something new to enjoy!


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This visit to the Singles Bar shares a whole wealth of inspiring sounds. Within the eight picks, you’ll find an unexpected tribute to easy listening from a familiar name, some contemporary French pop, something with a country rock influence from Australia, and a new twist on an old classic. You’ll also discover a couple of superb underground rock tunes that represent the heart of Real Gone’s regular coverage. As always, we hope you’ll find something new to enjoy…


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KURT BAKER – Rock ‘n’ Roll Club

Ever since the release of his ‘Brand New Beat’ album in 2012, Kurt Baker has been synonymous with a party-centric brand of power pop. Taking a huge influence from Joe Jackson, Shoes and a host of early 80s skinny tie wearers, he added his own voice to a classic sound on a run of enjoyable albums. Each new LP came with a certain expectation of something familiar, but that’s not to say there haven’t been a few musical surprises. 2018’s ‘Let’s Go Wild!’ showed off a more abrasive edge, increasing a few garage rock influences, and 2020’s ‘After Party’ – released mid-pandemic, making promotion more difficult – mixed the solid power pop fare with tunes that drew from New Romantic sources, and even dabbled with lounge jazz. ‘After Party’ wasn’t just Baker’s most adventurous album to date; it was also his best.

Over the following year, Kurt released a couple of stand alone digital singles; he collaborated with Italian power poppers Radio Days and US garage rockers Indonesian Junk; he played a pivotal role on the second K7s LP, and even released an excellent EP with Spanish punks Nuevo Catecismo Catolico. He might have been in danger of spreading himself too thinly by that point, but sessions for a new Kurt Baker Band album were also undertaken over the following year, and the resultant tunes – as featured on 2023’s ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Club’ – are very strong.

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Watch Kurt Baker’s new animated video for ‘New Direction’

In the age of streaming and the likes of Spotify supplying a world of new tunes at the push of a button, it sometimes feels as if music has become a disposable commodity.  Albums often appear, get a six week promotional cycle and then disappear just as quickly, leaving the consumer to move on to the next quick hit.

Good music deserves far more of a shelf life. How else are new releases allowed time to grow into the new ‘Pet Sounds’ or ‘Born To Run’?  Nobody understands how important it is to cling onto great music than Kurt Baker.  He’s still busily promoting his 2020 album ‘After Party’.  Since that album was released, he’s relocated back to the US, hooked up with his old bandmates (including Kris Rodgers of Dirty Gems fame), and started playing new gigs in support of the record. There’s so much about it that could be his best to date, so it really deserves this ongoing love.

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Kurt Baker shares new digital single ‘Turn It Around’

Following his move from Spain back to the US, Kurt Baker continued to raid his archive of materials to bring his fans some great music. The digital releases – in conjunction with his label, Wicked Cool Records – have really helped to capitalise on the popularity of his ‘After Party’ album, but the newest instalment might just be the best yet.

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