Welcome to 2013’s free Real Gone Sampler. It’s been an absolutely brilliant year for independent music – check out our end of year list here – and that’s been reflected by how many bands were keen to get involved in this now traditional project on its third anniversary. This year’s sixteen tracks (with a couple of strays from prior to 2013) came together remarkably quickly but, as always, there were a few obstacles along the way. It’s great that most of the bands we asked were on board instantly…and only one missed the deadline – an improvement on previous years.
Tag Archives: dead wolf club
At the time of this EPs release, it barely feels like weeks have passed since Tintagel’s finest alternative rockers Dead Wolf Club released their second album, ‘RAR’. …And yet, with boundless enthusiasm, they’ve found time between touring that release to record more new material. Their first release for the independent Big Tea Records, most of ‘Healer’ represents their best material yet. Within the grooves of the green and white twelve inches of plastic – or somewhere within the soul-less digital file, if you’re reading this and under thirty – DWC bring more howls of rage, more shimmering guitars and thunderous rhythms disguised by bursts of feedback, and for those who liked them previously, there’s much more to like here than ever.
New demo streaming from The West Wickhams
A new demo of a track by The West Wickhams has been posted on Soundcloud. The band – an alt-rock/shoegaze duo featuring Jon from Dead Wolf Club – are currently in their infancy and have plans to release an album later in the year.
Pledge Music campaign from Dead Wolf Club
Real Gone favourites Dead Wolf Club have new music on the horizon! They’re releasing an EP’s worth of new tunes via the excellent Pledge Music.
Despite being a little rough around the edges, Dead Wolf Club’s debut album included some interesting musical ideas. There was strong sense of a band feeling their way around, throwing out ideas in an attempt to find out which ones would stick, but for those listeners who persevered, three or four genuinely great numbers could be found within. Looking beyond the truly awful sleeve art, their second release ‘RAR’ builds on the promise of the debut’s more focused moments, essentially leaving behind an album which shows off a band with a stronger sense of vision.