1972 AD. The year that bored suburban teens attempted to resurrect Dracula, in a much maligned Hammer film that’s actually quite good fun. The year that Bolan’s musical craft was at its most perfect; the year Ziggy Stardust came to Earth and changed Bowie’s fortunes forever.
It was a great year for music, looking back. America’s career really began to blossom; Edgar Winter showed us that he had far more musical imagination than brother Johnny; Scorpions released their first album, although it would be a while before worldwide success was within their grasp and Stevie Wonder embarked upon the best part of his career. On top of that, Steely Dan’s debut set a new benchmark for westcoast sounds and Mellow Candle released a classic folk album that somewhere in the region of twelve people heard at the time.
Here’s to 1972 and to Johnny Alucard, wherever he may be. May Ziggy’s glorious glamour continue to enrich our lives forevermore. Here’s to pink moons and untitled equines; paper planes afloat in summer breezes. Here’s to more favourites and potential new discoveries…and to all of you, until next time, happy listening!