Get The Fuck Outta Dodge are insanely prolific. ‘It’s Not Our Fault Your Boyfriend’s Stupid’ is the duo’s fourth release in a little over fifteen months. Unlike most bands, a global pandemic didn’t slow them down. If anything it amplified their work ethic, since James (bass/shouting) and Ren (drums/more shouting) could effectively work within their own bubble, and their quick and cheap recording approach more than lent itself to working within a limited set up.
Tag Archives: sheffield
KUROKUMA – Sheffield’s Best Metal Bands Vol. 1
Kurokuma’s second release, 2018’s ‘Dope Rider’ EP presented the perfect mix of heavy riffs and branded artwork in a small but intensive package that was pretty much guaranteed to thrill fans of extreme metal and comic books. A release that really cemented the band’s wondrously sludgy sound, it would be a certainly hard act to follow.
2019’s ‘Sheffield’s Best Metal Bands, Vol. 1’ (a title referring to its being the first in a series from Off Me Nut Records as opposed to any psychosis within Kurokuma itself) brings fans another full compliment of obtrusive and sludgy riffs stretched across three lengthy tracks…and it’s a release that dishes out more extreme heaviness per inch than most listeners will handle.
NAISIAN – Rejoinder EP
‘Rejoinder’ ends a five year haitus for Naisian, but after a minute or so of hitting the play button on their 2018 EP, it seems almost as if the Sheffield metallers have never really been away. The three tracks that make up this absolutely devastating EP come loaded with heaviness, bringing forth a swampy and sludgy sound that often makes the Melvins and Goatsnake sound like mere lightweights.
Sludge metal band Naisian return after five years; new EP out soon
Following a five year hiatus, Sheffield doom/sludge metal band Naisian have returned…and they’re ready to destroy you. A new EP, ‘Rejoinder’, is released on July 6th and is everything you ever wanted from the band. It’s got some of the biggest riffs this side of the new Morag Tong album.