Looking back, it’s easy to see that 1983 was a massive year. It represents the point where a few of its stars were making huge steps to being the decade’s megastars. Five years into his career, Prince had finally succeeded in gaining worldwide success with his ‘1999’ album (a double platter of much filthiness); with their ‘War’ album, U2 made the leap from successful rock band to being an act with much bigger potential and Madonna showed early signs of being more exciting than your average pop performer.
Even some of the previous decade’s stars managed to turn in some of their finest works in ’83. David Bowie courted a much wider audience with his Nile Rodgers produced ‘Let’s Dance’ album (he would later say he “couldn’t let Phil Collins have all the money!”); Elton John’s ‘Too Low For Zero’ wasn’t just a great 80s album but the greatest collection of Elton’s songs since 1975 and even grumpy old Van Morrison seemed at ease with new sounds and new technologies on the opinion-splitting ‘Inarticulate Speech of The Heart’.
Real Gone’s dip into 1983 brings you highlights from all of these fine albums, but as always, digs much deeper for your entertainment. On this long journey, you’ll discover cuts from The Chameleons, The Birthday Party, AOR band Spys, Death Cult, The Church, The Blue Nile and far more. Even Bob Dylan pokes his head in.
Join us for one of our favourite collections…and if you discover something new, or this reconnects you with a forgotten tune or two, don’t forget to tell us!
Happy listening, as always!