Since their arrival on the metal scene, zhOra have worked hard in forging a sound that takes sludge metal into more adventurous places than most. Armed with a relentless sound that mixes a hardcore crunch with the pure technicalities of progressive metal, the smatterings of death metal and a crushing doom element, their work isn’t for those who seek instant gratification. Their fourth album, ‘Mortals’ really reinforces any ideas that the band often values weight and heaviness over any genuine accessibility, yet at the same time, it is a truly impressive release.
Tag Archives: zhora
Zhora reveal second video from ‘Ethos, Pathos, Logos’
Irish sludge metallers Zhora have released a second video to promote their second album ‘Ethos, Pathos, Logos’.
Irish sludge band Zhora release new live video
Irish sludge metal merchants Zhora have recently posted a live video from this year’s Bloodstock Festival, which you can watch in full below. In the words of vocalist Colin Bolger, “Turmoil does exactly what it says on the tin. It takes you and your precious feelings and drags them through the mud and blood until you can’t take no more.”