Alfavrak launch new album with ‘Bita till’

Yesterday, Swedish rockers Alfavrak released their new album, ‘Kass kontroll’. What can potential fans expect from this new record?

The band that once likened themselves to “the sound of a shopping trolley pushed through gravel and ice in the tired Scandinavian night” claim that their current long player is “plain rock with a trolley in gravel and snow kind of edge” and that it might also be a “low key rock opera is a collection of randomly chosen singles.”

They’re clearly aiming to confuse people just enough so that they’ll be intrigued enough to listen for themselves. That’s not a bad thing. On ‘Bita till’, Alfavrak  actually evoke the huge, jangling guitar sounds and hard edged rhythms of some of the indie bands associated with the C-86 scene back in the 80s. Not that any further connection to those brilliant, but often second tier, guitar bands should be sought. Once the vocal arrives, ‘Bitta till’ shares more of a classic, hard rock vibe via the slightly shouty, slightly gravelly tones. Not that the track fits neatly into a retro rock pigeonhole eigher, since the sound lurches back and forth.

What this riff-laden single aims to do, of course, is give the audience a good time, and on that score, its high octane, slightly shouty approach doesn’t sell anyone short. The world didn’t realise it needed a musical collision between Dan Baird and The Mighty Lemon Drops, complete with a Swedish lyric, but it’s here.

Check out the gleefully low budget video clip below.