Grab a FREE full-length sampler from Rum Bar Records

Always keen champions of cult music, Rum Bar Records is home to several great bands you might never have heard.  Fully believing that a label can’t exist without its fans, they’ve got a gift for you to kick start the new year…and it’s their biggest gift to date.

Their Winter 2020 Sampler can be yours for free.  For nothing.  Nada.  …And it’s very comprehensive at TWENTY NINE tracks.

You get a preview of a couple of upcoming releases with new songs by The Ratboys and Spanking Charlene.  It includes the excellent new single from Justine And The Unclean.  It gives you a chance to catch up with a few current releases with songs from Cheap Gunslingers, 45 Rally and The Gotham Rockets.

What’s more, you also get choice cuts from K7s, Tom Baker, the legendary Dogmatics, Watts, Laissez Fairs and much more.

An excellent value download, the Rum Bar Winter 2020 Sampler is one of the best freebies ever.  It’s just the shot you need to cheer up your cold January blues…and you can grab it from Bandcamp here.