Back in April, Roo Panes released a digital single ‘My Sweet Refuge’. Its sparse and haunting qualities drew comparisons to Nick Drake from many, partly due to the songs fragility, but also it’s obvious Englishness.
Three months on, Roo has released a new video. ‘Sketches of Summer’ is taken from his 2018 album ‘Quiet Man’ which was released via CRC Records in June.
‘Sketches of Summer’ is representative of the album in that it not only feels deeply personal, but features an arrangement of an even greater fragility. It’s sparingly used piano sounds broken; Roo’s voice appears to call out into the wilderness as if in search for something. It eschews Nick Drakes plummy warmth for something far thinner, yet at the same time, by evoking imagery of streams and the feel of the unpredictable British summer, the music continually draws you in. With backing vocals inspired by the brilliant Lisa Hannigan, the track is a compelling listen.