Now six years into their career, British alternative metal crew Saints Among Us have unleashed one of their finest tracks to date. ‘Hunger’ blends different alternative styles seamlessly, lurching between outright heaviness and sugar sweet melodies with absolute ease.
From the second the track opens with a blast of alt-metal guitar riffs underscored with a layer of abrasive keys, it’s clear that these guys mean business, but the track really comes into its own once it drops into a melodic pop-infused chorus, where Maddy’s clean vocals set up an immediate contrast with the heavier intro. Eventually bringing the elements together on a really hooky chorus, it’s clear these guys know their way around a great melody.
For most bands, those elements, joined by a cracking guitar solo would be enough. This track has no interest in playing for anything quite so safe. Instead, Saints Among Us twist everything to make room for a post rock inspired middle eight where muted guitars dance above a busy yet muted shuffle of drums (played flawlessly throughout by Adam), before bringing out the “big guns”.
Delivering a slow, heavy riff, there’s more of a classic metal sound at play for the number’s closing attack. Tom and Brad take on a dominant role here, but as before, Maddy’s high tones create a superb contrast, leading to a more alternative feel, and creating a sound that falls somewhere between Paramore, the much missed Marmozets and a post rock groove. If they’ve not grabbed your attention here, they likely never will.
In terms of rock singles, this is absolutely superb. Check out the video below.