Ashton Nyte is busy. Not only is he featured on a recent track from musical collective Beauty In Chaos (whose recent single featuring The Mission’s Wayne Hussey is a must hear), but he’s also promoting new material from his own band The Awakening, who are set to release a self titled album in October.
Before the release of ‘The Awakening’, Nyte has given fans a classic sounding preview via the single ‘Mirror Midnight’.
‘Mirror Midnight’ sets out its musical stall very early when a shrill note pierces against a heavy drum, and a pulsing bass ushers in a very dark feel. It’s immediately clear that we’re in goth territory, and the arrangement that slowly unfolds captures a very 80s feel. Musically, there are swathes of the classic sounds of Bauhaus and ‘First, Last & Always’ era Sisters, but when the chorus hits, it becomes clear that the single is more than a mere throwback. For the main hook, heavier, almost metallic guitars arrive to lend a sturdy melody some extra punch, and against their chunky tones, lead guitars add soaring sounds to give off a very haunting vibe. It may be simple, but in terms of capturing a huge, layered sound, it’s genuinely effective.
Then there’s Ashton. He sounds great taking centre stage, adding a deep gothic croon on the verse, with his deep voice wavering against the musical backdrop. In seconds, his voice becomes very recognisable as the same one that powered The Awakening years earlier, since it’s largely unchanged from his younger self. If anything, as he drops into an even deeper tone for the heavier chorus, it could even be claimed that his voice is better than ever. It’s certainly much richer, and takes the melody forward with a great ease.
For fans of classic sounding goth with a metallic edge, ‘Mirror Midnight’ is a must hear. By not attempting to add too much of a modern twist, or by deviating too far from a strong opening riff, Ashton has created an instant classic, genre wise. This is very much the kind of track that will encourage people to approach the album with an open ear when the time comes.
Watch the video for ‘Mirror Midnight’ below.