Watch ‘Rock N Roll Seduction’ – the new video from Gwailo

Gwailo aren’t messing about when it comes to riffs on their current single ‘Rock N Roll Seduction’. This four minute blast from the Sunderland rockers is a celebration, but more than that, an acknowledgement of how music can be a true mistress – how its sounds charm and win over the listener, and have the power to transform any mood.

As such, it’s more than fitting that the band have pulled out their big guns in terms of guitar work. The grubby rhythms call back to ‘Appetite For Destruction’ era Guns N’ Roses; the huge swagger combines ‘Razor’s Edge’ era AC/DC with a huge helping of Rose Tattoo; there’s even more than a nod to more recent hard rock fare from The Rattlebacks. Which ever way you approach this number, David Henry and Kyle Dickinson’s dual attack is huge, and when it comes to a solo, Henry doesn’t hold back, filling several bars with some brilliantly old school fretboard melting that’s guaranteed to please a whole range of classic rock fans. Michael Curry’s lead vocals occasionally get a little too huge, but that’s understandable given the number’s celebratory qualities, and for most of the track, he delivers a superbly old school performance with a fine balance of melody and grit.

‘Rock N Roll Seduction’ is a track that shows a solid rock band very much on the rise. If you weren’t a fan previously – or unaware of Gwailo – these brilliantly blusterous four minutes will do everything in their power to change that.

Check out the new video below.