At the beginning of April 2024, The Amplifier Heads released their fifth long player ‘Songs From They Came To Rock’. A rather fun disc, the soundtrack from their B-movie inspired imaginations blended garage rock with a massive 50s inspired twist.
As part of the record’s promotion, they’ve now shared a promo clip for the title cut. ‘We Came To Rock’ is prime Amplifier Heads. Driven by a kitschy 50s riff, it’s hard not to hear the influence of Ed Haas and his Munsters theme running through the centre of the track, but with the help of a glam rock stomp and really cheeky saxophone taking the reigns, this becomes far more complex. With some great music joined by a mix of crooned and screamed rock vocals, the number certainly doesn’t think small – or, indeed, take itself too seriously – but, in a lot of ways, it wins purely on arrangement alone.
Loaded with cheap B-movie aliens and the kind of captions that evoke fond memories of Batman ’66, the video is tacky, but knowingly so. The low budget visuals suit the music perfectly when the band administer their antidote to a world of earnest prog and adult pop.
Watch the full clip, complete with its ‘Transmission #1’ intro, below!