HOUSE ABOVE THE SUN – Five Hours North

In 2015, House Above The Sun released a DIY EP that hinted at strong talents within light blues rock and UK Americana genres. Two years on, the band’s first full length takes those roots and tugs hard at them, resulting in a recording that’s like an old familiar friend; ten songs displaying a very live sound coupled with a few classic hooks and lots of great playing.

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REAL GONE GOES OUT: Redd Kross, Electric Brixton, London 31/10/2017

It’s Hallowe’en. Across Brixton, various young people are getting ready for spooky festivities. It probably means they’re off to the pub in their best Bride of Frankenstein and Corpse Bride finery before hitting the clubs later, but it seems fairly busy for a Tuesday night. There aren’t any skeletons or pumpkins adorning the Electric Brixton, but a cursory look at the merchandising stand still makes the occasion very clear. A massive poster advertising this show featuring power pop legends Redd Kross and sludgy art rock oddballs the Melvins very much resembles a promotional poster for an eighties slasher flick. As far as gig posters go, it’s incredibly smart, although no more of a spook-show concept should be looked for, especially as the night progresses.

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