W.A.S.P. – The Headless Children

The_Headless_ChildrenAfter the release of three studio albums and a live record, by 1988 US shock-rockers W.A.S.P. had gained a loyal fan-base.  However, thanks to their potentially objectionable songs and frontman Blackie Lawless’s larger-than-life attitude, the band had even more detractors. Since their stage show featured raw meat, torture racks and naked women and their albums were filled with more profanity and sexist material than most bands had dared to commit to plastic by that point on the time line of hard rock history, they made life-long enemies with Tipper Gore and her self-righteous band of moral guardians in the US.

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NOFX: Confirmed Aussie tour dates

Punk legends NOFX have confirmed a fairly lengthy run of live dates that’ll see them playing across Australia this coming November. All scheduled dates are listed below.

The band released their ‘Stoke Extinguisher’ EP containing a few left-overs via Fat Wreck Chords in December 2013. There is currently no word regarding a new full-length release.

To read a review of NOFX’s 2012 London visit, click here.

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New video from The Dowling Poole

The Dowling Poole have released a new video clip for ‘The Sun Is Mine’, the opening track from their current full-length ‘Bleak Strategies’. Behind the low budget clip and Elvis shades lurks a frighteningly catchy piece of power pop that should be the official soundtrack to the rest of your summer. The new video can be watched in full below.

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