Following a summer break, the Songwriters Circle returns to The Betsey Trotwood in London next week. As usual, regular performer Mick Terry will be there, joined by Peter James Millson, Jinder and Brian Wilson collaborator Nelson Bragg. That should keep you entertained as the cold nights draw ever shorter and make that long wait for Mick’s second album just a bit more bearable!
This from Mr. Terry’s current news bulletin:
“…The Living Room Scene returns from its summer break with a storming bill that sees not one, not two, but, three, count them “1, 2, 3” great artists joining me on stage. First up we have the return of musician/photographer/rake Peter James Millson. Peter’s debut LP, ‘Sweet The Love That Meets Return’ is due for release in February 2014 and was produced by my good friend, Danny George Wilson. I’ve been lucky enough to have had a sneaky listen and I can tell you that it’s a stone cold classic, melodic pop masterpiece.
Next up (and making his first appearance at the Living Room Scene) we have Jinder. Folk-pop singer/songwriter and troubadour Jinder was dubbed ‘the tallest singer/songwriter in Britain’ by the independent and he has toured with the likes of Deacon Blue, Sinead O’Connor, the Proclaimers, Jackie Leven and Henry Priestman, Jinder, playing everywhere from the Royal Albert Hall to the Dog and Duck.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, completing the Songwriter Circle we have the legendary Nelson Bragg. For those of you who don’t know, Nelson’s day job is playing percussion with the Beach Boys and the Brian Wilson Band, but, he is a superb Power-Pop songwriter in his own right and recorded one of my favourite versions of “God Only Knows” with The Mockers. He also has a superb new LP out called “We Get What We Want” which should be at the top of your Christmas list. This will probably be my last show of 2013, so please come on out and support these great acts. As usual, the show kicks off at 8:45pm in the upstairs room at the Betsey Trotwood, so get down early as this could be a busy one!”
And regarding that second album:
“By the wonders of the interweb, I was able to virtually attend the latest studio session in Philadelphia where my good friend/Producer/Mad Scientist, Jim Boggia, held court and supervised the recording of the Horns on my record. I’ve been listening to the rough mixes and all I can say is that Christmas has definitely come early for this little boy. I’m hoping for an early 2014 release, so watch this space for more news.”
The Betsey Trotwood is located in Clarkenwell, London. More info can be found at their official website.
For those awaiting the arrival of new music from Mick, a quick reminder that a still unreleased sample of early fruits of those album sessions is available as part of the 2012 Real Gone Sampler, downloadable here.