In the summer of 2010, Saxon released a two-and-a-half hour documentary detailing the history of the band. Featuring then new and unseen interviews with most of the key figures associated with Saxon between the band’s formation and the release of ‘Into The Labyrinth’, the two DVD set (available only via the internet) proved unmissable for most fans.
It was originally planned that a single disc edition would be released at regular retail outlets before the end of that same year. It never happened. As 2011 also came and went without any further comment on the “scaled down/retail” version, it looked unlikely it would be released at all.
An official statement from the band now says that ‘Heavy Metal Thunder: The Movie’ should be available at retail outlets before the end of 2012! It is not clear whether the retail version will be a shorter edit of the documentary as originally planned, or whether enough time has passed for the full unexpurgated tale to be re-released.
To read a review of the original full-length movie, click here.