Seattle noise-rock band Mutiny Mutiny are working on a follow up album to their 2011 release ‘Constellation’.
Although recording has not yet begun, the band are reaching the end of the writing process for their second release and are also researching recording studios in Seattle.
Comments Jason Dean: “We’re finishing the writing process for the record now and are really trying to push ourselves to expand on our first record. The process is still pretty organic but we’re really digging in, tweaking parts and structures until we think they’re the best they can be. Vocal layering and stronger melodies/performances are also a big priority for us this time around as well as capturing some of the energy of our
live shows to tape.
Our plan right now is to be in the studio by the end of June, wrap up the mixing and mastering by August and get the new album out in September or October. It’s a little ambitious but with the thought we’re putting in to the pre-production we think we’ll be able to do it.”
The band’s debut ‘Constellation’ was self-released in the final quarter of 2011. Read a review here.