Iconic 80s pop duo Buggles – featuring Geoff Downes and Trevor Horn – are to make a rare live appearance on Tuesday 25th October.
During the duo’s original career span, Buggles never performed live, but Horn and Downes made a somewhat belated live appearance in 2004 as part of a Prince’s Trust benefit and eventually staged their first full-length show in 2010.
The second ever Buggles appearance will take place at London’s 02, as part of “The Great British Music Experience”. Trevor Horn will also be taking part in a Q & A session before the set, and also give away copies of his forthcoming album with Producers (released in March 2012).
Buggles released two albums, ‘The Age Of Plastic’ in 1980 and an overlooked follow up ‘Adventures In Modern Recording’ in 1981.
Between the two releases, both Horn and Downes joined prog rock legends Yes, with whom they recorded one album, ‘Drama’, released in 1980.
In 2011, the Yes album ‘Fly From Here’ reunited the band with both Buggles men and revisited work unfinished from the ‘Drama’ era and also completed a couple of Buggles demos. (Read a review of ‘Fly From Here’).